Monday, August 12, 2013

Child Resistant for Your Protection

frustrating packaging
Honey get the chain saw...
    Seems like everything is harder these days, compared to my childhood. At some point after all the frivolous lawsuits became so popular and of course the Tylenol murders manufactures decided it was their responsibility to make sure their products were harder to get into than Al Capone s vault. Initially calling it "child proof" and later child "resistant", I'm sure after some lawyer picked apart the meaning of "proof". (I don't care for lawyer that much in case you can't tell) Anyway it was all downhill after that as the overprotective parents of the world decided it was their mission to make everything child proof, in  most cases making it adult proof as well. And taking away that whole "you won't do that again" lesson we used to learn when we touched something hot or closed our finger in a drawer.

child proof pill bottles
Old School Child Proof

    Then of course the stores followed suit to protect themselves from the onslaught of shoplifters and thieves. Now you go to try on a pair of jeans and you have to have someone unbolt them from the floor. And I'll never forget the first time I had a store clerk forget to remove one of those plastic security tabs and thought I could just pry it off myself, only to end up covered in the most staining blue die ever created.
     Opening a child's toy will soon require a degree in Quantum Physics. And of course one of these days someone is going to slit their wrist open trying to get into a Disney DVD. Thanks shoplifters! Maybe then those lawyers will make themselves useful at least.

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